

Why I love Ryanair

When it comes to budget airlines, Ryanair often finds itself at the center of a heated debate. Critics argue about its no-frills approach, while others celebrate its affordability and accessibility. As someone who has traveled extensively with Ryanair, I want to share my personal perspective on why I love this airline. From its cost-effective fares to its extensive network, Ryanair has earned a special place in my heart.

1. Affordability that can’t be beaten

Ryanair. Photo pixabay

Let’s face it: one of the most compelling reasons to choose Ryanair is the unbeatable affordability it offers. The airline’s commitment to low-cost travel allows people from all walks of life to explore the world without breaking the bank. As a budget-conscious traveler, I appreciate that Ryanair consistently provides some of the cheapest fares in the industry.

2. Extensive Route Network

Ryanair’s vast route network is nothing short of impressive. With over 200 destinations across Europe and North Africa, this airline has made it possible for me to explore numerous countries and cities that I may not have considered otherwise. Whether I’m craving the picturesque beauty of the Italian countryside or the vibrant culture of Eastern Europe, Ryanair has me covered.

3. Convenient Secondary Airports

Ryanair often utilizes secondary airports, which I find to be a clever strategy. These airports are typically less crowded and more efficient than their primary counterparts, making the overall travel experience smoother and more enjoyable. Plus, they often offer easy access to city centers, saving both time and money.

4. User-Friendly Booking Process

Booking a flight with Ryanair is a straightforward process. Their website and mobile app are user-friendly, offering a seamless booking experience. I can easily select my flights, add extras like baggage or priority boarding if needed, and complete the transaction in just a few clicks. The transparency in pricing, including any optional add-ons, is a refreshing change compared to some other airlines.

5. Punctuality

While some may argue that punctuality is an issue with budget airlines, my experience with Ryanair has been largely positive. The airline understands that time is of the essence for travelers, and they make a genuine effort to stick to their schedules. This reliability has allowed me to plan my trips with confidence, knowing that I can trust Ryanair to get me to my destination on time.

6. Friendly Cabin Crew

Contrary to some perceptions, the cabin crew on Ryanair flights have always been courteous and professional during my travels. They manage the cabin efficiently and are more than willing to assist passengers when needed. I’ve found their in-flight service to be perfectly adequate for the price paid.

7. No Hidden Fees

One of the misconceptions about budget airlines is the presence of hidden fees. With Ryanair, I appreciate the transparency in their pricing. As long as I read and understand the terms and conditions, I can avoid unexpected costs. This straightforward approach helps me stay within my travel budget.

8. Flexibility with Fare Options

Ryanair offers a range of fare options to cater to different types of travelers. Whether you’re a budget-conscious backpacker or someone who prefers more flexibility, you can find a fare that suits your needs. From standard fares to Business Plus, they provide options to enhance your travel experience without compromising on affordability.

9. Rapid Check-in Options

One of the aspects of air travel that can be stressful is the check-in process. With Ryanair, I’ve had the option to check in online and even download my boarding pass to my phone, saving time and reducing the hassle at the airport. Additionally, they offer a mobile app that allows me to manage my bookings, check flight status, and access other travel information easily.

10. Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

In recent years, Ryanair has made strides in addressing environmental concerns in the aviation industry. They have committed to reducing their carbon emissions and have taken steps to increase fuel efficiency and invest in more fuel-efficient aircraft. While air travel’s impact on the environment is a complex issue, it’s reassuring to see Ryanair taking steps to address it.

11. The Adventurous Spirit

Traveling with Ryanair often feels like an adventure. The no-frills approach encourages a sense of independence and resourcefulness, which can be particularly appealing to travelers who enjoy exploring off the beaten path. The thrill of discovering lesser-known destinations and the unpredictability of travel are part of what makes the Ryanair experience unique.

12. Easy Connectivity

Ryanair’s extensive network not only covers major cities but also connects smaller towns and regions that may not be easily accessible by other means of transportation. This has allowed me to explore hidden gems and experience the rich diversity of Europe and North Africa.

13. Opportunities for Travel Hacking

For those who are inclined to travel hack or seek out deals, Ryanair often offers promotions and discounts, especially during off-peak seasons. With a bit of flexibility and planning, you can snag even more incredible deals on already affordable flights.

14. Lost or delayed Luggage

Ah, the infamous lost or delayed luggage nightmare! While some travelers dread the thought of their suitcase going on a solo journey without them, I’ve come to appreciate the surprise element it adds to my trips with Ryanair. It’s like a game of chance. Will my luggage arrive at my destination or choose to explore another city? This is something i have never experienced with Ryanair and I dread the thought of experiencing the same.

15. Window Seat Scramble

If you’re a fan of window seats like me, you’ll understand the “window seat scramble.” Ryanair’s policy of unassigned seating often leads to a humorous race as passengers try to secure their preferred spot. It’s like a friendly game of musical chairs in the sky. The joy of claiming that window seat with a triumphant “got it!” is a small victory worth celebrating.

16. The In-Flight Menu Challenge

Ryanair’s in-flight menu offers a unique culinary experience, with options that range from the delightfully quirky to the surprisingly delicious. Where else can you find a “Ryanair Burger” or “Sky High Pizza”? Trying out these unconventional meals becomes a memorable part of the journey, and it’s a great conversation starter with fellow passengers. Just remember to pack some extra snacks in case you’re not quite ready for the “Ryanair Gourmet” adventure. Also the prices can be a bit on the high side.

17. The Art of Packing Light

Ryanair’s baggage policy encourages the art of packing light, and it’s a skill I’ve honed over the years. I’ve learned to master the art of rolling clothes to maximize space and strategically wearing my heaviest items during the flight. It’s like a puzzle where every item must fit snugly in my carry-on bag. Plus, the lighter you pack, the more room you have for souvenirs!

18. On-Time Arrival Excitement

When Ryanair’s famous on-time departure actually translates into on-time arrival, it feels like winning the travel jackpot. You disembark from the aircraft, glance at your watch, and think, “Wow, I’ve got the whole day ahead of me!” It’s a refreshing change from the typical travel delays that can sometimes turn your itinerary into a comedy of errors.

19. Bilingual Cabin Announcements

On Ryanair flights, you’ll often hear cabin announcements delivered in both English and the local language of your destination. While it’s a thoughtful gesture, it can lead to some amusing moments. Picture the passengers looking around in confusion as the flight attendants switch from Spanish to Italian to French, trying to keep up with the linguistic rollercoaster. It’s like a mini crash course in multiple languages at 30,000 feet!

20. The “Race for the Overhead Bin” Olympics

Once you’ve successfully secured your seat on a Ryanair flight, the next challenge is participating in the “Race for the Overhead Bin” Olympics. Passengers transform into nimble athletes, dashing down the aisle with their carry-ons, determined to snag limited overhead space. It’s a friendly competition that adds a playful touch to the boarding process, with the victors basking in the glory of stowing their bags closest to their seats.

21. Aboard the Flying Billboard

Ryanair’s planes are often adorned with colorful advertisements, turning them into flying billboards. As you settle into your seat, you might find yourself seated next to a giant photo of a picturesque holiday destination or a tempting ad for duty-free shopping. It’s as if the airline is trying to inspire your next adventure even before you’ve landed at your current destination.

22. Mile-High Bingo and Quizzes

Ryanair’s in-flight magazine often features entertaining quizzes and puzzles that you can participate in during your journey. Whether you’re trying to solve Sudoku puzzles or answering trivia questions about European capitals, it’s a fun way to pass the time. And if you win, you can proudly declare yourself the reigning champion of mile-high brain teasers!

23. The Smallest Perfume Samples

One of the charming quirks of Ryanair’s in-flight shopping catalog is the inclusion of perfume samples so tiny they might fit in a doll’s house. They make for adorable keepsakes or amusing conversation starters. You can marvel at the miniature elegance of these fragrances while contemplating the practicality of such minuscule containers.


In summary, Ryanair may not be the right choice for every traveler, and it certainly has its quirks and limitations. However, as someone who appreciates affordable travel options and the excitement of exploring new places, I’ve come to love Ryanair for what it is—an airline that enables me to see the world on a budget. While it may not offer the opulence of premium airlines, it provides a gateway to countless adventures, experiences, and memories that are well worth the journey. So, if you’re looking for an affordable way to embark on your next adventure, don’t hesitate to give Ryanair a try and discover the joys of budget travel for yourself.

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