Exploring Ireland

Christmas markets in Ireland 2023

Its that time of the year again and everyone (or most people) are busy shopping for christmas. When looking for christmas presents, people tend to visit various shops and even shop online but christmas markets remain the best places to visit and not just for shopping but also for fun during the festive season. The Christmas markets that adorn Ireland are a sight to behold, and in 2023, they promise to be even more magical than ever before. In this blog, we’ll take you on a journey through some of the most enchanting Christmas markets in Ireland in 2023, ensuring you make the most of your Yuletide visit.

1. Dublin Castle Christmas market from December 6th to 19th. Free

Kicking off the festive fiesta, Dublin Castle’s upper courtyard transforms into a Christmas haven. This year, prepare for a spectacle that’ll have even the Grinch reaching for his mistletoe! From artisanal crafts to delectable gourmet delights, this market boasts a plethora of stalls offering unique gifts and mouth watering treats.

With live music serenading the crowds and the scent of roasted chestnuts perfuming the air, the castle promises an immersive experience that’ll have you ho-ho-ho-ing all the way home.

2. Galway christmas market. November 10th to 7th January 2024

Venture west to Galway, where the Christmas market at Eyre Square casts its spell on locals and visitors alike. With a backdrop of the city’s iconic landmarks, the market showcases an array of traditional Irish crafts, handcrafted ornaments, and tantalizing gastronomic delights.

Don’t fail to bring the kids to visit santa in Santa’s cabin.

The Galway christmas market is now in its 13th year.

Market will be closed on December 25th.

3. Belfast christmas market 18th November to 22nd December

Northern Ireland’s bustling capital, Belfast, sparkles with its Christmas market extravaganza. Nestled in the heart of the city, the market at Belfast City Hall boasts an array of festive treats and handcrafted goods. The market’s centerpiece is the stunning Christmas tree, which provides a perfect backdrop for memorable photos. From locally crafted ornaments to international cuisines, this market showcases the best of both worlds against the backdrop of the majestic City Hall.

4. Waterford Winterval. November 17th to December 23

Waterford, Ireland’s oldest city nestled beside River Suir, comes alive with its Winterval Festival now running in its 11th year. Visitors can enjoy a wide range of activities, from visiting Santa in Santa’s Gingerbread house to visiting the ice skating rink(waterford on ice). The festive market here offers the opportunity to purchase unique gifts and warm up with some delicious hot chocolate.

5. Cork Christmas market. 18th November to 7th January 2024

Not to be outdone, Cork’s Grand Parade transforms into a winter wonderland, exuding an enchanting atmosphere that’ll warm even the chilliest of days. From quirky stocking stuffers to hand-knitted woolens, this market promises unique finds for everyone on your gift list.

Events listed include the new Solas lighting installation, the Ferris wheel and Carousel.

And let’s not forget the culinary delights! Treat your taste buds to local specialties and international flavors while soaking up the festive cheer that permeates the bustling stalls.

6. Wicklow christmas market. Open from November 18th to 17th December. Closed on 20th to 23rd November, 27th to 30th, 4th to 7th December, 11th to 14th December.

Bring your loved ones to Wicklow christmas market where there is alot to enjoyed including the santa express train experience and the brand new Eco Alpine skate trail.

7. Yulefest Kilkenny. From November 25th

Venture to the medieval city of Kilkenny, where the Christmas market at the historic Cathedral Square adds a touch of old-world charm to the festive celebrations. Against the backdrop of the stunning Kilkenny Castle, this market offers a selection of handcrafted gifts, delectable artisanal treats, and a cozy atmosphere that encapsulates the essence of the season.

From intricate pottery to locally brewed beverages, Kilkenny’s market is a treasure trove for those seeking unique and thoughtful presents.

Festive fun facts

Now, let’s sprinkle some facts amidst the tinsel and twinkling lights:

  • Did you know? The tradition of Christmas markets dates back to the Late Middle Ages in German-speaking Europe, where they were originally known as “Winter Markets.”
  • In Ireland, the Christmas market tradition has been embraced with open arms, blending local craftsmanship with international flair, offering a unique shopping experience.

A dash of Irish humour

Ah, what’s Christmas without a bit of good-natured banter? Here are some light-hearted observations to keep the spirits high:

  • The Great Mistletoe Dilemma: Keep an eye out for impromptu “mistletoe moments” and witness the awkward yet heartwarming encounters as people navigate their way around the strategically placed foliage.
  • The ‘Treat Yourself’ Excuse: Is it just us, or does the phrase “calories don’t count at Christmas” seem to be on a continuous loop during market visits? Indulge guilt-free in those festive treats!

Insider tips

Now, for those looking to make the most of their merry adventure:

  • Arrive Early: Beat the crowds and get first dibs on the finest goodies.
  • Layer Up: While the festive cheer warms the soul, the Irish winter can be chilly. Layer up for comfort!
  • Follow Your Nose: The tantalizing aromas will lead you straight to the best bites.

Capturing the magic

While words paint a vivid picture, visuals take the experience to a whole new level. Feast your eyes on snapshots capturing the essence of these enchanting markets.

Other christmas markets across europe to check out.

  • Vienna-November 11th to December 26th
  • Budapest-November 17th to December 31st
  • Berlin-has various christmas markets
  • Salzburg-November 23rd to January 1 2024
  • Copenhagen-November 3rd to December 31st
  • Prague-December 2nd to January 6th 2024
  • Bratislava-November 21st to December 21st
  • Zagreb-December 2nd to January 7th
  • Nuremberg-December 1st to December 24th
  • London-Has various christmas markets

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